Category Archives: Framtons – Banbury

Donger digs up the trees

dongers_trees leftside of field

Donger the Destroyer aka Amber developments have started to rip out the trees from the field opposite Winter Gardens Way. Work is supposed to be starting in the next few weeks.

This is part of the larger BAN5 development, which includes the persimmon development.
Also see: Ambers Revised Plans

Bellway Homes Event – BAN2 (east)

There is an event booked at the Hanwell Fields Community Centre by Bellway homes to present a vision of their plans for East of Southam Road (Motorway side).
Bellway have a reputation for building ‘Affordable’ homes at the cheaper end of the market, with some pretty bad reviews (search google)

The event is on Friday 14th November from 3pm – 7pm at the HF community centre.

Let’s hope they bother to note the feedback given, unlike the devious bastards at Frampton’s (Amber developments) who in their reports claim there was only positive feedback to their plans.


Amber Development Plans

Here are the plans that have been submitted from Framptons of Banbury for the Amber Development. For those that remember their exhibition in the community centre apparently only 12 people gave feedback. I think they’ve made this up. I have included this as well. It’s a joke really.

The housing plan – Amber _160houses_ plan_07425909
Footpaths and Connections – amber_footpaths_connections_07425918
The feedback from the exhibition – amber_framptons_feedback_07425269
Trees and green space – Amber_green_plan_07425910

New Plans Submitted – Amber Developments

Plans have formally been submitted for 160 houses on the field opposite Wintergardens Way. The proposed housing continues along the edge of Dukes Meadow Drive up towards Warwick Road. Notices have been posted on the entrance to the field however I can’t find any details on the Council website.

Having seen the plans previously, the housing density is very high and overwhelming. Hanwell Fields already feels very compact and claustrophobic. The openness of the fields brings much needed relief  to this density. We already have issues with housing numbers on this estate, too many cars and too few places to park them leading to many problems. This particular development will only aggravate this further. I object to all the developments but luckily the others are of sufficient distance away to not impose in such a severe way.

Shame on Framptons – A local planners who assist the demise of their own town.